Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pin Watch - Disney Mickey Mouse Trading Pins

Welcome to Disney Pin Watch!

The goal of this blog is to find great deals and share information on rare LE (limited Edition) pins. The Internet gives information overload on Disney Pins, which is not good. My friends drown in the abundance of search engine results; after discussing this issue with my friends over drinks, I decided to create this blog to help them and anyone else who find this information useful.

Featured Disney Pin

Featured Disney Pin

This is the first post in a weekly blog. I am committing to updating you with the latest Disney trading pin treasures every week. I will be as detailed as possible and search the Internet thoroughly to save you time and let you focus on the most important task for a pin trader: having fun collecting your favorite pins, an experience that no dollar amount can be assigned to. I’ll contradict myself now, though, and say that if there is a way to get low prices on LE signed pins to add to your collection of rare finds, well, that is the true reward of the skilled pin-trading expert.

I actually own two pins which are currently being bid on eBay. Please see the links below. The price of the bids is very low at the moment, and there is a cash-back incentive and free shipping. I am watching both pins, and if they stay rather low and one of my friends do not bid on them, I might decide to have a matching set. At the very least, having an extra LE 500 signed Mickey Mouse Disney pins is a good advantage when my friends and I get together to pin trade.
Signed by Greg Dorf

Signed by Gene Gonda

I looked up the value of these Disney pins on Create-A-Pin (Cast Members Create Magic and Proud to be a Cast Member) at I found a wealth of information on the value of these pins there. First, I will explain how we determine the value of Disney Pins. Disney Pin values are based on how coveted the pin is by pin traders and the number of pins available for trade on the Internet. Plug the numbers into the formula: a/w = v (available pins/pins wanted = pin value). This formula is simple, but it is the best way to determine the value of your Disney Pins. This formula has saved me from overpaying on pins and made me hyperaware of opportunities to get rare LE pins at low prices. The initial retail price of a Disney does not determine its later value.

Cast Members Create Magic: a = 10, w = 93, v = a must buy

Proud to be a Cast Member: a = 11, w = 65, v = a must buy

I find the PinPic website to be a great resource in researching Disney Pins. If you are just starting out or want to learn more about Disney Pins, this is the website for you.

Please send any questions to me, and I’ll talk to you next week.

Arrivederci and Happy Pin Trading!

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